Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Second Grade Christmas Poems

The second graders have been preparing for their Christmas Poetry Readings and today was the day to present!  The students have practiced memorizing poems to share with family, friends and staff.  Memorizing poems helps students prepared for memorizing basic facts in math.  The rhythm of the poems helps students connect the parts of their brain to where math facts are formed. 
Mrs. Billings' class

Memorizing poems helps students in reading.  Students learn the rhythm of reading through the practice of reading poems which in turn helps with the student's fluency.  Fluency is what helps the reader make sense of what is being read.  Comprehension, understanding what one has read, is the goal of reading!

Mrs. Rowles' class

As usual, we had a wonderful turnout of parents, grandparents and friends.  We love seeing our families at school.  We hope you all have a Merry Christmas!