Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Johnny Appleseed Day

Themed instruction has received a bad rap in the last few years. I contend that good instruction, wrapped with a strong theme, helps our students connect learning to the world outside of school. Thematic instruction has research to back it up as well. Susan Kovalik, who termed the phrase integrated thematic instruction, says that an integrated curriculum supports student learning and understanding.

First grade teachers incorporated many of the standards in the first grade curriculum. Fractional parts, measuring and elapsed time instruction took place while making apple pies. Discussion of the genres of fiction, nonfiction and tall tales took place in Mrs. Gray's room. Vocabulary development with Mrs . Winklemann's room with using describing words (cloudy, clear, tart, sweet) in discussing the flavors of apple juice and apple cider. Mrs. Perry's room tasted three kinds of apples and graphed their class favorites. In Mrs. Sexton's room students discussed illustrator techniques and made colorful apples while trying those techniques out for themselves.

Brain research points out that information retrieval is best when the brain can connect meaning to experiences. Today's themed approach will help our students connect abstract learning objectives to real life experiences.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher conferences are being held tonight at our school. We prepare for our families by getting rooms shiny and clean, preparing work for display, generating reports to share and making sure all our talking points are in order.

Conferences are an important time for parents and teachers to collaborate on the best direction to take in preparing for the future.

Tips for a successful conference: Attend! This is a time for feedback from your teacher about how your student interacts in the classroom. Team up! Work with the teacher to set goals and expectations for your child. Ask questions! In the age of data sharing, some of it is confusing. Ask until you are clear about what the data tells you. Look for examples of your child's work. Ask to meet again if the conference is not long enough to address your questions.

At home, follow up with your child. Create expectations for your child regarding work quality and remember to praise them for their hard work!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Color Week continues!

Students in kindergarten explore color mixing using corn syrup and food dyes. Students carefully blended colors to find out what happens when certain colors mix.

First grade students go about the business of learning reading. Students practice read to self, read with a partner, and instructional reading.

Kindergarten and the Board Meeting!

Last night a few (brave) kindergarten students presented information about our school's PBIS program to their parents, administration, and members of the board. They all were wonderful and received a band for their work!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Constitution Day

Constitution Day recognizes the adoption of the Constitution. It is celebrated on September 17, the same day that the Constitution was adopted in 1787. The holiday was created in 2004.

Here are kindergarteners celebrating and learning about the Constitution and American symbols.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Writing matters. We write more today than we did in past generations. With the widespread availability of the Internet we have more audiences for our writing than ever before. To be successful students need to write for a variety of purposes and audiences.

It is such a great pleasure for me as an administrator to see our students engaged in writing. We write many different times of our day and for many reasons.

Preparation for future success starts early and our teachers fully believe that all students are capable of being successful writers.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Orange Day

Kindergarteners are decked out in their orange today. I saw snacks of carrots, orange jello, and orange slices!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Color Week-Red!

Kindergarten color work centers around the science curriculum as the students are learning about properties of matter. Students discuss the senses through colors. The students will see, taste, hear, feel and hear RED!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Reading Familiar Text

If you watch football practice, or band practice, or piano practice you will notice that the student or athlete practice the same moves or music over and over until they know it by heart. Reading over and over helps the reader master speed,accuracy, expression,and comprehension.

Students in Mrs. Christopher's class take home a familiar book each week in their reading pockets. This gives our families an opportunity to practice reading at home. The students are exchanging last week's book for a new one. The old books are put into a pocket at school where the students can access them during the day.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Watching first graders develop into writers is one of the most exciting things that happens at school. It becomes even more exciting when a student considers himself a non writer and then produces a letter to his very proud principal!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Envisions Math

Kindergarten and first Grade use Envisions Math. Students use technology along with their teachers to learn concepts. The students also have colorful pages that go along with the lesson. The engagement is high with the students. The learning bridge across the top of the pages gives students a visual reference while doing the work.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012