Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pumpkin Lessons

Lots of learning can occur with one 30 pound pumpkin. Mrs. Heyman's class used this pumpkin for a weeks worth of math lessons, a citizenship lesson and a writing prompt. Excellent way to make learning both relevant and fun!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Posting Learning Targets

I reguarly ask my teachers to post their learning targets.  It makes sense to me that anyone who comes into the room can see immediately what the learning target is.  It makes sense to me that students want to know what they are supposed to be learning.  It isn't enough to just post them, it is important to state them as well.  Over and over.   Students need to learn how to focus what they are doing.  By readdressing the learning target repeatedly, the student begins to narrow in on what it takes to do what is being asked of them. 

I sat down to think of other reasons posting learning targets would be a good thing.  Here are some things that came to mind:

1.  It levels the playing field for all students.  Students with ADD, with learning disabilities, with 504 plans, auditory issues, ELL students, all these students have better opportunities for recalling the learning target when it is posted and restated in the classroom.

2.  It provides a focus which in turn, helps motivate some students to try to meet the learning goal.  This focus extends to the lesson planning of teachers.  It will help teachers keep focus on the learning target when creating assessments, too.  When planning a lesson, think of what the students should know and be able to do when they are done with the lesson.  That is the learning target!

3.  Students can see their progress!  When a teacher says, "you are almost there" and the student doesn't know where "there" is, the student cannot see how far they have come and where they are headed. Posting the learning target is like climbing a hill with a flag on top!

4.  When written in student friendly language, the learning target serves as an opportunity for students to refer back to the words when needed.  Make sure the learning target is stated and not the activity.  Read Chapter 2 is an activity, "I can describe the author's purpose" is a learning target.

I also started thinking about reasons why you wouldn't want to post the objectives:

1.  You are doing it for the prinicpal.  While I do believe it is important, it is for the students.  Unless you are addressing the target with the students, it becomes just another chore to do.

2.  It is an inquiry based lesson and you want the students to discover something for themselves.  Perfect!  Let the students know that they are going to be writing the learning target after the lesson instead of before it!

3.  I trust my teachers to do the best thing for students and their learning.  If they feel it is an important part of their teaching, they would do it.  However, many didn't even consider doing this until I suggested it.  I keep reminding them that what we know today doesn't make everything we did before wrong.  New information, new research, new technology helps us do things better every day!

So, posting the learning objectives helps students focus on the learning, but it is up to the teacher to make that a powerful piece in your lesson presentation.  Those who do this report excellent results. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Lunch with the Principal!

Reagan won lunch with the prinicpal at the school's fall festival.  She wanted to eat McDonald's food and sit at my desk!  Here we are, doing both!

Congratulations, Reagan!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pumpkin carving

Pumpkin carving is an annual event here at East. It is easy to see why it is so popular. It's a magical sight!

Friday, October 19, 2012

This Week at School

We had a short week for students as we headed into our fall break. This is the first district where I have has a fall break and I can see the benefits for the office already! Carpets are cleaned after our first outbreak of strep and colds, files are being organized and just general maintenance is getting caught up. A few teachers are in the building, giving their own time to catch up on materials or revamping a procedure that's a bit off.

We celebrated Missouri Day as we are obligated to do by statute but love to do for pride of this beautiful place we call home. You can see the bright faces of some kindergarten students as they learn about the flag and Missouri mules.

Enjoy the fall break and look around at the beauty that surrounds us here.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

First PBiS Assembly!

Our students earned 300 bands per classroom and earned their first PBIS assembly!  We had our HS cheerleaders come out and do a spirit assembly with our school.  The students LOVED it and the cheerleaders were amazing!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Firefighters come to East!

Today East Elementary welcomed our Wright City firefighters to our school. Students heard information about firefighting and were able to see the fire trucks.

Fun fact: George Washington was a firefighter and donated a fire engine to the city of Alexandria, Virginia.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Kindergarten Field Trip-Pumpkins Galore!

Our kindergarten students went on their first school trip to Pumpkins Galore today.  The weather was chilly in the morning but by the afternoon the temperature was fine.  Students feed the pigs, cows and goats, bounced in the Pumpkin Bounce House, played on a huge playground, had a snack, played some more, fed the chickens, played, shopped in the craft shop, and had lunch.  It was a wonderful day for all!

Class of 2025!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

Kg Grandparents Day

Today our halls were full of Grandparents!! It is always fun to have visitors. Thank you for taking time to come to our school!