Sunday, December 23, 2012

Winter Break Begins

Our last day of the first semester was so fun!  Our attendance was down, but those who were there had a wonderful time!  We started our day with carols.  Our children can SING!  We said the pledge together too, which was so good to hear.

Photo courtesy of Juice Box News blog

Our students headed to class and then the parties started!  Crafts, games, treats, stories, music... all were present and accounted for!  Our parents did a great job and it was so nice to see so many come and support their children at school!

Due to the weather, our holiday concert was cancelled so we performed for the teachers in the afternoon. You can see us singing on another post!

Then we had our 600 band PBIS party!!  We watched Charlie Brown Christmas and old funny cartoons.  When we left, we all got our own candy cane!

Our students were delightful and the staff at East hopes all of you have a wonderful winter break!

What do Kindergartners want for Christmas?

Video courtesy of Juice Box News blog

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Tragedy at Sandy Hook

Dear God, I pray for the families of students & the teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary. May these children find peace during this tragic time. Innocence lost by fear is unacceptable. I pray for the wounded and I pray for those lost. Keep these families near your heart and help them find healing In Gods name we pray!! ♥ Amen ♥

saw this on Facebook and it expressed so well what I am feeling.  Hug your kids tight today!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Holiday Work Around School

Students have been busy producing work centered around the holidays. I love this time of year as they students see these assignments as vitally important so we see high quality work. When it's relevant they will produce!

Enjoy these scenes around our school!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tired Elf

I guess all these antics have made our elf tired!! Which name do you think is winning?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday Elf

Today our elf was caught writing on the window with a marker. He was playing tic tac toe!

Here are some writings that spun off this latest antic!

We started voting for his/her name today! The money collected goes to help schools hurt by Hurricane Sandy.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Today's Elf Caper

How did this happen????

Chase thinks this is the answer:

Monday, December 10, 2012

Elf on the Shelf

Today the Elf on the Shelf made his presence known to our students by getting into Miss Lynn's candy. Naught elf!

The students here are asked to write about how he got himself into such a mess. They can come to the office and read their writings to me or Miss Lynn.

Our elf needs a name! We are going to combine this need with another one...raising money for Sandy's school victims. For a penny a vote, students can vote on a name for the elf and all money raised goes to a school devastated by Sandy.