Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Reader's Theater in 5th Grade

Enjoy this set of photos of our 5th graders doing Readers Theater!

Happy Thanksgiving Students, Staff, Teachers and Families!

From all of use at California Elementary School, have a great Thanksgiving!  School will resume on Monday, November 28.  Doors open at 7 a.m.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Famous Missourians Walk of Fame Winners!

Laura Ingalls Wilder and Walt Disney

Lucille Bluford and Kit Carson

Jesse James and Ginger Rogers

Kit Carson and Lucille Bluford

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day Presentation

Mr. Davis presented information about his tour with the kindergarten classes on Veterans Day.  We at California Elementary School appreciate his service to our country and for taking his time to visit with our students.