Thursday, December 18, 2014

Winfield Celebration

The Winfield Intermediate School and Primary School invited me to be a part of their school celebration of their accomplishments for the first semester.  We reviewed a huge list and asked the teachers to break it down into what those meant for their grade level.  They are doing wonderful things and the best part is, they know it!

After the review, we did a few party games, all that would be appropriate to use in their classrooms.  These were direction following activities.  The superintendent came in and observed in the Intermediate School.  It was fun to see her involved with her staff!

The game that got the most attention was the paper plate drawing.  One places a paper plate on top of the head and draws whatever the hostess tells them.  In this case it was a floor, a Christmas tree, a star on top of the tree, ornaments, a fireplace, a stocking and a present under the tree.  After the drawing, teachers looked at their work and got a chuckle.  Points were assigned to each piece and the winner got a small prize.

Here are some of the photos from that day!

Thank you for letting me be a part of your celebration!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

First Semester Reflection

I cannot believe I haven't written here since August.  This is so unlike me.  I plan to make a New Year's goal to write more here.  I have learned so much!

First:  I am not afraid of High School teachers any more!  Yes, I met my share of those scary, content driven teachers who look down on us who believe that child development is every bit as important as content.  But I found out that even though they are definitely into their content, they are every bit as interested in finding ways to engage their students as we elementary folk.  Who knew?? 

I learned that all middle school teachers are crazy.  I already knew that, after having a husband who was a middle school teacher/principal for over 30 years.  Somehow I had made myself believe that it was just wherever Bob was, was crazy.  Not so.  All of the Middle School teachers I met were crazy.  They love content and they believe in child development and they want school to be fun and have relevance.  I have come to adore Middle School teachers!

The elementary teachers I have worked with are all such hard working people, willing to do whatever it takes to help those children learn.  I have seen them frazzled, energetic, worried, down, up and just about every emotion there is. This is their world and the children in it their universe.

I am eager to work the second semester on getting the information we shared into action!  I want to see data make a difference!  I want to see student improvement!  I want the EOC and Smarter Balanced scores go out the roof!  I want to see teachers celebrating!

This Christmas break I hope all my teachers rest, regenerate their batteries and get ready for the second half of the school year!  I am cheering for you!