Saturday, August 7, 2010

Professional Learning Communities

Professional Learning Communities are coming to the district!  This summer each building sent a team of teachers and their administration to training in Columbia provided by the Heart of Missouri Regional Professional Development Center.  Vicki Robb and Rob Gordon provided the training.

The Elementary Leadership Team consists of Mrs. Ash, Mrs. Butts, Mrs. Goans, Mrs. Hogan, Mrs. Brauner and Mrs. Steffes. 

Professional Learning Communities, otherwise known as PLCs, are a way for teachers to work together to find out what we need to know as a school to best serve our students using data, action research, and each other.  Most of what we do as a Leadership Team is to give our teachers information about setting goals, working toward a common vision, providing information about various teaching strategies and other items as the staff finds out what they need. 

More information will be posted as the school year progresses!
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