Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Math Curriculum Night

Math Curriculum Night was held in the school cafeteria last night.  Students were greeted with the opportunity to estimate the number of candy corn candies that were in a jar.  The one with the closest estimate would win the jar of candies to take home!

Next Mrs. Steffes welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming.  She described our commitment to having every student receiving 60 minutes of core instruction daily in math.  She then asked parents to describe their own experiences in math class.  Parents shared their stories and those who liked math had one thing in common:  each had a great math teacher!

Mrs. Mathes played a fraction game and a Wheel of Fractions game with us.  The winning word combination was California Pintos!

After the games, each grade level representative shared with the parents and students the highlights of each grade in math.  Teachers answered questions about their curriculum.  Mrs. Higgins shows how the second grade uses anchor charts to help students remember what words mean "add."

The winner of our candy corn contest was Savannah Smith, a first grader!  She estimated that there were 188 candies in the jar.  The actual number was 216.  Great estimation skills, Savannah!