Friday, August 24, 2012

Reading to First Grade

Dr. Mazzei's class invited Mrs. Steffes to read to them. She chose to read The Night Before First Grade. They talked a lot about story elements and how much the book reminded them of The Night Before Christmas!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New School Lunch Program

I have been hearing students say that they are so hungry at the end of the day.  I have been watching at lunch time to see what they eat and don't eat.  I think our students do pretty well considering how young they are, many of their plates are clean when they go to clean up at the end of the day.

Here is what a plate looks like as it is served here at school:

This follows the new recommendations of larger fruit and vegetable servings and the smaller protein servings.  For students in our school, this seems appropriate and enough to keep a student with enough energy for the afternoon classes.

I have attached a link from a personal blog of a mom's perspective of the new lunch program.  If you have any concerns about it, she has wonderful links of how and where you can contact people in charge.

 Lunch Program

Monday, August 20, 2012

Learning our ABCs....

....the tasty way!

Students in Dr. Mazzei's first grade classroom enjoyed a special treat as they reviewed the sounds and names of the alphabet by eating alphabet soup!

Students were introduced to the poem Alpabet Soup.

Students then were served soup and asked to find a letter in their cup.  Dr. Mazzei asked each student to name something that started with the letter on their spoon.

The students had plenty of resources available for assistance but not many students needed help!

The students were very eco-conscience as they recycled their napkins and plastic spoons when they were done.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Tornado Drill!

East students do a wonderful job on their first severe weather drill of the school year!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Every day a class comes to the office to help with the birthday announcements and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Today, Dr. Mazzei's class helped and they did a fabulous job!  Thank you for helping with the announcements today.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

First Assembly!

We held our first assembly in the gym this morning.  This was to give the students practice coming into the gym and sitting down for a "real" assembly.  Mrs. Steffes introduced herself and talked about the Quiet Sign (when she raises her hand, then so does everyone else and stops talking all at the same time!).  We practiced the Quiet Sign several times.

Mrs. Terbrock talked about our wrist bands that we will be handing out to classes that are doing well in the hallway and cafeteria.  She explained that when a class received 100 bands that they will do something special in their class, like an extra recess or a treat.  Mrs. Perry told the school about the school wide celebration that we will have when every class earns 300 bands.  The high school has agreed to come to East and put on a pep assembly for us, with the cheerleaders, pep band and some of the football players!  Woo Hoo!!

Students then practiced leaving the gym in a quiet manner.  Many classes earned a band as they left.  Good work students!

Monday, August 13, 2012

First Day of School!

Here are some scenes from East Elementary School on the very first day!  We were so happy to see so many parents join their children in sharing this special experience.  The Boo Hoo Breakfast was nice, too, and we were happy to see some dads enjoying Paul's Donuts as well!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Open House Success!

We had a wonderful time at Open House, meeting students and families and working with Durham and PTO. 
Lynn is busy helping parents with bus routes and carpool tags.
Students add art to the bulletin boards in Dr. Mazzei's class.

Mrs. Sexton, our new first grade teacher, talks to parents.

We're Ready for Back-To-School Night!

The floors are all shiny, the desks cleaned and organized, the teachers are here, so bring on the students!!  Tonight is Open House.  Kindergarten is from 5:00-6:00.  Parents will meet in the gym first, hear from the principal, then be dismissed to the classrooms.  First grad is from 6:30-7:30, same procedure.  Can't wait to meet you all!

Look how many kinds of paper to choose from!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Data Days

Teachers at East Elementary met for two days to review data from the previous school year, discuss the ramifications, and create new plans for our future students.  Discussions circulated around data collection, fidelity, core curriculum effectiveness and successful strategies.  After discussion, the teachers created a plan of action that included identifying and locating resources available in the building, creating new interventions, and organizing the current interventions.  Teachers did not break for lunch, instead, sat down together to discuss what had been accomplished and what still needed to be done. Much collaboration and vertical talking was done during these two days!