Tuesday, August 14, 2012

First Assembly!

We held our first assembly in the gym this morning.  This was to give the students practice coming into the gym and sitting down for a "real" assembly.  Mrs. Steffes introduced herself and talked about the Quiet Sign (when she raises her hand, then so does everyone else and stops talking all at the same time!).  We practiced the Quiet Sign several times.

Mrs. Terbrock talked about our wrist bands that we will be handing out to classes that are doing well in the hallway and cafeteria.  She explained that when a class received 100 bands that they will do something special in their class, like an extra recess or a treat.  Mrs. Perry told the school about the school wide celebration that we will have when every class earns 300 bands.  The high school has agreed to come to East and put on a pep assembly for us, with the cheerleaders, pep band and some of the football players!  Woo Hoo!!

Students then practiced leaving the gym in a quiet manner.  Many classes earned a band as they left.  Good work students!