Tuesday, December 16, 2014

First Semester Reflection

I cannot believe I haven't written here since August.  This is so unlike me.  I plan to make a New Year's goal to write more here.  I have learned so much!

First:  I am not afraid of High School teachers any more!  Yes, I met my share of those scary, content driven teachers who look down on us who believe that child development is every bit as important as content.  But I found out that even though they are definitely into their content, they are every bit as interested in finding ways to engage their students as we elementary folk.  Who knew?? 

I learned that all middle school teachers are crazy.  I already knew that, after having a husband who was a middle school teacher/principal for over 30 years.  Somehow I had made myself believe that it was just wherever Bob was, was crazy.  Not so.  All of the Middle School teachers I met were crazy.  They love content and they believe in child development and they want school to be fun and have relevance.  I have come to adore Middle School teachers!

The elementary teachers I have worked with are all such hard working people, willing to do whatever it takes to help those children learn.  I have seen them frazzled, energetic, worried, down, up and just about every emotion there is. This is their world and the children in it their universe.

I am eager to work the second semester on getting the information we shared into action!  I want to see data make a difference!  I want to see student improvement!  I want the EOC and Smarter Balanced scores go out the roof!  I want to see teachers celebrating!

This Christmas break I hope all my teachers rest, regenerate their batteries and get ready for the second half of the school year!  I am cheering for you!