Thursday, July 10, 2014

First Training-Shared Learning

I attended my first Shared Learning event this week.  I was able to see what the Learning Packets looksed like and talk to the developers.  One of the developers, of the Metacognition Packet, is located at my own Regional Professional Development Center.  I learned a lot about organization of a workshop from her.  I can see why she gets many accolades from her colleagues.

My wonderings that I left with have much to do with the state's coordination of effort.  As a principal, I participated in Professional Learning Communities, Data Teaming, Collaborative Teaming and Positive Behavior Intervention Support (any many others) tranings and it is frustrating to have these offerings but not have them coordinated.  For example, the Collaborative Work data team protocol is different from the Data Teams and the PLC data team protocols.  If these are all the State's efforts, shouldn't there be some coordination of the efforts?  As a principal, I would try to synthesize what I learned and create what I felt was the best combination of the different protocols.  It would be wonderful if the state would tell us what is the preferred method.

One of my favorite moments, besides the networking, was the sharing out of each RPDC of their goals and activities for the year.  I am going to be using these as a way to reach my schools, too.  I loved seeing how the work is moving throughout the state.

Dawn Cook chatting with other CW staff, looking at our Action Plan for the year.