Thursday, July 3, 2014

New Adventure-Post Retirement

I officially retired from Missouri public schools on June 30, 2014.  On July 1, 2014 I put another hat on my head, that as the Project Director for the Heart of Missouri Regional Professional Development Center on the University of Missouri campus.  I am excited to remain a part of public education and am eager to share information on the Collaborative Work project with districts in Missouri.  My focus is on school districts in Lincoln County, which is fairly close to my home in St. Charles.

The month of July I will be training on the Collaborative Work project.  I have been handed a large, 6" binder full of materials that have been shared with previous Project Directors and I have spent much of my time reading the lessons and about the CW project.

About the CW project, it was developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, to the Missouri Department of Education.  Materials and methodology was created by professionals using the work of John Hattie, and specifically on five overview topics and four specific teaching/learning practices.  The four practices are assessment of capable learners, effective feedback, reciprocal teaching and spaced v. massed practice.  I am familiar with the first three, but the last one I will be doing a bit of homework!

The over arching topics are collaborative data teams, implementing with fidelity, developing and using common formative assessments, and using data to make decisions about teaching and learning practices.  Internal coaching rounds out the topics.

My first three days have been spent READING and READING and READING the many developed learning packages that are in existence.  I love reading so this is a great thing but I can feel my eyes starting to think they've done enough for today.  

I love the CW process as it has teachers working with their actual lessons in a day-to-day manner with the state standards.  It incorporates formative assessment, data team processing, instruction, and post assessment.  LOVE IT!  This is what made my heart go pitter patter as a principal.  Love this process.

I am eager to meet with my districts and see how I can help lead teachers through this process, increasing achievement for all.  I am impressed with the work they have already done.